My Internship at Xport: Teamwork, Networking & Internationals Sales

Jose (centre) hanging-out with some of the Xport team

I remember my first day of work at Xport, three months ago. I was very excited for what that experience was going to provide me and for having the opportunity to contribute to the company. In addition, I was warmly welcomed by all the members of both, Xport and BSTR, which indicated the great atmosphere around the office.

During the time I was working at Xport I was finishing my master studies and figuring out what to do next in my career. That is why it has been a busy, dynamic but rewarding period that helped me to develop myself even further.

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My Internship at Xport: Invaluable Experiences for my Future Career

Nearly five months ago I wrote my very first post in this blog. Time has gone by quickly and it has felt like days rather than months. I am excited to write my thesis and to complete my studies, but sad that my internship here has now come to its end. My time at Xport has given me a lot and I enjoyed having varied tasks every day which made work very interesting.

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Meet Xport’s Spring Intern: Rosa, Finland


My name is Rosa and I am studying International Business at Seamk. I am from Central Finland and moved to Seinäjoki for my studies. I am finishing my studies in the end of this year and all I have left to do is my internship and my thesis.

I will be spending the next five months here at Xport and I’m excited to work in such an international company. I have been in exchange twice, once in Mexico and once in Spain and I love to travel, and I believe that continuing to spend time in an international environment will be not only very helpful, but also fun. This is my first time working in my own field and I am happy to have this opportunity to learn and see what it is like to work here.


Rosa Ojala, International BBA Student, Seinäjoki UAS

Time Flies at Xport

Aatu demonstrating how “…an intern’s individual skills and interests are taken into consideration…”

Five months go by so quickly. It feels like it was yesterday I started my internship with Xport.

Before my internship I had no work experience in the field of business. I doubted my skills, but I was convinced by the good people at Xport that I’d get the hang of things.

Xport doesn’t have a uniform internship program, and an intern’s individual skills and interests are taken into consideration when giving out tasks. Having no experience in business, I was open to try any kind of work Xport had to offer. During these five months, I’ve experienced working on market researches, telemarketing, social media marketing, translations and website updates.
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Outside Looking In: A German Intern’s View Of A Finnish Company

Kerstin, enjoying her time at Xport

Kerstin, enjoying her time at Xport

My four months internship at Xport is already over, and the time has truly been flying.

During the last few months I have been introduced to a lot more impressions of Finland than in my previous nine month stay here as an international student. The people from Xport and BSTR are an incredible team; their group dynamic is infectious and you feel welcome right away.

Having studied here during my Bachelor degree, I felt fairly capable in dealing with Finnish people and culture, but I found that studying in an international degree program does not compare with Finns and the Finnish culture in a working environment. Their companies’ culture is unlike any other I have ever seen before, which is in part due to the international mindset of Xport, but also because they are still a young company with a tight-knit team.

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Antti-Pekka hard at work in the Xport office

Antti-Pekka hard at work in the Xport office

Työharjoitteluni Xportissa alkaa olla lopuillaan, joten nyt on hyvä aika katsoa vähän taaksepäin ja kerrata mitä parin kuukauden harjoittelujaksoni on pitänyt sisällään. Kaksi kuukautta on lyhyt aika, mutta minut on otettu hyvin mukaan porukkaan, ja mielekkäitä projekteja on riittänyt heti alusta alkaen.

Opinnäytetyölle löytyi aihe heti ensimmäisenä aamuna ja sainkin vastuulleni asiakkaalle tehtävän markkinatutkimuksen suunnittelun ja toteutuksen. Tämä oli loistavaa, sillä pääsin testaamaan Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulussa ja Leónin yliopistossa oppimaani suoraan käytäntöön; asiakkaan tarpeiden selvittäminen ja tavoitteiden asettaminen tutkimukselle, markkinatutkimuksen suunnittelu ja hyväksyttäminen asiakkaalla ja sitten itse tutkimuksen pariin. Opinnäytetyöni tavoitteiksi tuli mm. markkinoiden segmentoiminen kuluttajatottumuksiin perustuen. Projekti jatkuu vielä harjoittelun jälkeenkin segmentin valinnalla yhdessä toimeksiantajan kanssa, ja siihen liittyvillä tarkemmilla tutkimuksilla. Ja pitäähän se opinnäytetyökin vielä kirjoittaa.

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